Contact Us
Reach out to us. We'd love to talk about how we can help you.
North Franklin, CT
82 New Park Ave North Franklin, CT 06254
Niantic, CT
11 Industrial Park Road Niantic, CT 06357
Willimantic, CT
5 Founders St #203, Willimantic CT, 06266
Westerly, RI
101 Airport Rd, Westerly, RI
Therapy Office
(860) 823-6221
Monday through Friday; 7:00am–5:00pm
Contact Us
Receive the answers to your questions when it’s convenient for you. Send us an email with questions, comments, concerns, or compliments and the appropriate representative will get back to you.
Contact Directory
(860) 889-7345 Press Option #1
For Dr. Anbari, Dr. Arcand, or Dr. Stanat – Ext. 1133
For Dr. Abella, Dr. Halperin, Dr. Kardestuncer, Dr. Paonessa, Dr. Pasha, or Dr. Patel – Ext 1239
For Dr. Wei, Dr. Thoms, Dr. Piposar, Dr. Vafek, Dr. Zhivotenko, or Dr. Wagner – Ext 2286
All Prescription Requests – Ext 1157
To Schedule & Precert or for Questions Regarding a Scheduled Surgery –
Ext 1107 (Dr. Anbari, Dr. Patel, or Dr. Wagner)
Ext 1210 (Dr. Paonessa or Dr. Stanat)
Ext 1109 (Dr. Arcand)
Ext 1138 (Dr. Halperin or Dr. Kardestuncer)
Ext 2294 (Dr. Thoms, Dr. Wagner or Dr. Piposar)
Ext 2289 (Dr. Vafek, Dr. Wei, or Dr. Zhivotenko)
To Schedule & Pre-Certify –
Ext 2294 (Dr. Thoms or Dr. Piposar)
Ext 2289 (Dr. Wei or Dr. Vafek
Ext 1158 (Dr. Paonessa, Dr. Halperin, Dr. Kardestuncer, Dr. Abella, Dr. Pasha, Dr. Anbari, Dr. Arcand, Dr. Stanat, Dr. Wei, Dr. Thoms, Dr. Piposar, Dr. Vafek, Dr. Patel, Dr. Wagner and Dr. Zhivotenko)
Ext 1105
Medical Records: Ext 1300
FMLA/Disability: Ext 1130
(860) 889-5934
(860) 885-7207
(860) 885-7236
(860) 823-6221
(860) 823-2944
(860) 823-2953
(860) 823-2949 (Preferred), or (860) 885-7229
(860) 885-7214
(860) 823-2950